New Delhi [India], Jan 17 (ANI): Delhi Congress chief Subhash Chopra on Friday dismissed reports of Nirbhaya's mother Asha Devi contesting the coming assembly election on the party ticket but said that she is welcome if she wants to join them."I saw a media report that Asha Devi might contest against Arvind Kejriwal on the Congress ticket. There is nothing of that sort. However, she is welcome if she wants to join us," Chopra told ANI here.This comes after Asha Devi put an end to the speculation of her joining the Congress party for the coming Delhi assembly elections, saying that she was "not interested" in politics.When asked about media reports of her joining the Congress, Asha Devi told media persons: "I have no interest in such things. I was fighting to get justice for my daughter and the daughters of the country. I want the execution of the four convicts."Reports of her political debut started surfacing after sportsperson-turned-politician Kirti Azad shared a Tweet, which claimed that Asha Devi might contest the Delhi assembly elections against Chief Minister Kejriwal on the Congress ticket."Ae Maa Tujhe Salam. Asha Devi Ji Aapka Swagat Hai (Salute to the mother. Welcome Asha Devi)," Azad had tweeted.The assembly elections in the national capital are scheduled to be held on February 8. The counting of votes will take place on February 11. (ANI)
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