New Delhi [India], Feb 24 (ANI): As New Zealand defeated India by ten wickets in the first Test of the two-match series, former cricketer VVS Laxman on Monday said the Kiwi side showed discipline and patience throughout the match."Emphatic win for the @BLACKCAPS. They showed a lot of discipline and patience in executing their plans and outplayed India in all departments. India will be disappointed with their performance and I am sure they will introspect and bounce back strongly in Christchurch. #INDvNZ," Laxman tweeted.This was New Zealand's 100th Test match win. On the other hand, India faced its first defeat in the ongoing World Test Championship (WTC).With this win, New Zealand has moved to the fifth spot in the World Test Championship standings.Set a target of just nine runs, New Zealand achieved the score in just 1.4 overs. Tom Latham and Tom Blundell remained unbeaten on 7 and 2 respectively.Resuming day four at 144/4, India managed to add just 47 runs to their total before being bowled out.As soon as the day started, India lost the key wickets of Ajinkya Rahane (29) and Hanuma Vihari (15).Rishabh Pant tried his best to keep the scoreboard moving as he played a knock of 25 runs. He found some support in Ishant Sharma (12) but in the end, Kiwi bowlers bowled out the visitors inside 81 overs.The Kiwis and India will now lock horns in the second Test at Christchurch from February 29. (ANI)

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