Wellington [New Zealand], Feb 19 (ANI): New Zealand batsman Ross Taylor said the team has to be good in all three departments in order to defeat India in the Test series.The two-match Test series is part of ICC's World Test Championship (WTC). India are at the top of the WTC table with the unassailable record as they have won all the seven matches and gained 360 points."We know they are the world's best side and leading the World Test Championship. I think, to pluck the Test matches, you need to be good in all three departments," Taylor told reporters in the pre-match conference.The first Test against India will be the 100th longest format game for Kiwi batsman Ross Taylor."A prior milestone probably more sought of Test than that. It is nice to be the first but probably more timing where I have come in my career. 2020 have started I have played my first game in Essex in 2005. I guess it is nice to start at the club but I'm sure over few years a lot more to join at the top," Taylor said."I love playing cricket first and foremost. It is something I always wanted to do since I was a little kid. It is not a job it is something you love doing," he added.The 35-year-old has so far played 99 Tests in which he amassed 7174 runs with an average of 46.28. He has also scored 19 centuries and 33 fifties in the longest format of the game.The first Test between the two teams will be played at Basin Reserve in Wellington from February 21. (ANI)
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