Kolkata (West Bengal) [India], Mar 24 (ANI): The Board of Control for Cricket in India president, Sourav Ganguly, on Tuesday said that he could never imagine seeing Kolkata come to a standstill.His remark follows the placing of Kolkata under lockdown as a precautionary measure against the coronavirus outbreak."Never thought would see my city like this .. stay safe .. this will change soon for the better ...love and affection to all," Ganguly tweeted.On Sunday, the Mamata Banerjee-led TMC government announced a lockdown in the state including rural and urban areas till March 27.During the lockdown, all shops, commercial establishments, offices and factories, workshops, godowns, etc will stop their operations except for essential services.The order also read that those retuning from foreign countries will have to remain under strict home quarantine for a period as decided by local health authorities."People are required to stay at home and come out only for basic services. Moreover, any congregation of more than 7 persons will be prohibited in public places," the order read.According to the Health Department of the West Bengal government, a total of seven people have tested positive for the virus, with one death so far.As many as 492 confirmed cases of coronavirus have surfaced in the country so far, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Affairs. While 36 have been cured, nine people have lost their lives to the disease. (ANI)

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