Bollywood actor Neha Dhupia, who is expecting her second child, is embracing all aspects of her pregnancy, especially her 5 am cravings! The 'Roadies' star took to her Instagram at 5 in the morning and posted a story saying, "Oh hello there refrigerator!!!...5 am munches while the houses is it late night or early breakfast...I call pregnancy." Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi Announce Second Pregnancy; Actress Flaunts Her Baby Bump (View Pic).

Founder of 'Freedom To Feed', a parenting initiative community, Neha is also actively engaged in World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7). Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi got married in May 2018 and welcomed their daughter Mehr just a few months later. Angad Bedi and Neha Dhupia Are Isolated in Two Different Towns on Their Third Wedding Anniversary (View Posts).

The star couple announced the news of their second pregnancy on July 18, 2021.

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