Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Feb 23 (ANI): Bollywood actor Neha Dhupia flagged off Pregathon, a walkathon for pregnant women, at Bandra Kurla Complex in Mumbai on Sunday."Pregnancy is a phase that you will never forget. If I was pregnant and knew about Pregathon, I would have registered for it. I feel fitness and self love these things are so important and you just need somebody to remind you because you become mum, you have added responsibilities and kids but you forget to take care of yourself. Today, Pregathon is about taking these big little steps. These initiatives are so important," Dhupia told reporters.Rajinder Kaur, a participant at Pregathon, praised the concept and said that a woman should remain fit during the phase of pregnancy."Pregathon is a great concept. Earlier we only heard of walkathons and marathons. Fitness is very important during pregnancy apart from relaxing. I would like to tell other pregnant women to be happy, take care of all your self and be fit," Kaur said"It's a great and unique concept for pregnant women. Pregathon will inspire many pregnant women. A message I would like to tell pregnant women to be happy," Rukshar, a participant, said.Kinjal who participated in the event said that she is glad to be a part of such a walkathon and requested all pregnant women to join in."I feel very glad about it that I got this opportunity and I am sure it's first time happening in Mumbai. So many mothers to be around it feels like I am getting the blessings from all. All pregnant women should join this initiative," KinjalAround 500 pregnant women arrived at the complex to participate in the Pregathon today. (ANI)

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