New Delhi [India], Nov 15 (ANI): There is a need for understanding and redefining the role of police in the context of contemporary challenges to national security, said K Vijay Kumar, retired IPS officer, here on Friday."The role of the police is much more complex than the maintenance of law and order and investigation of crimes," said Kumar, who was delivering Dr Anandswarup Gupta Memoria Lecture-2019 organised by the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) at its headquarters here.The theme of the lecture was "Indian Police in the 21st Century: Policy Imperative for National Security"."The increasing trend of terrorism, left-wing extremism, insurgency, cross border terrorism, crimes, and cyber crimes in the daily lives of common citizens have made internal security a very challenging issue," added Kumar.Members of the family of Dr Anandswarup, senior serving and retired officers of the MHA, CAPFs, State Police, academia, members of the National Police Mission, civil society organisations and BPR&D officers among others were present on the occasion. Kumar further praised the work and contribution of BPR&D in the domain of capacity building of police forces, correctional administration and its efforts for modernisation of the police forces.He described the different types of crimes the police has to face like violent crimes, invisible crimes, blue-collar crimes, white-collar, black-collar, red-collar and green-collar crimes."We have to equip and empower our police forces accordingly to deal with such complex dynamics of internal security," said Kumar.VSK Kaumudi, Director General, BPR&D, welcomed the Chief Guest and other guests and briefly shared the history of the BPR&D, which was founded on August 28, 1970.The contribution of Dr Anandswarup in establishing the role of the BPR&D was also recollected during the occasion. Kumar also released the BPR&D Profile Book, which highlights its different activities. Madhukar Gupta, former Home Secretary and other members of the family of Dr Anandswarup, were also felicitated on the occasion. (ANI)
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