Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Oct 18 (ANI): NCP leader Dhananjay Munde, a candidate from Parli seat in Maharashtra's Beed on Friday wrote to election commission officials asking for a mobile network jammer outside the strong room and vote counting booths to "avoid EVM tampering."Mude's letter was addressed to Parali constituency returning officer and Collector of Beed district demanded activation of mobile network jammer around strong room and counting center between October 21 to 24."I have requested #EC to install jammer over the strong room and vote counting booths to avoid #EVM hacking. People are suspicious about the authenticity of EVM machine and its result. Therefore we want jammer to be installed for the fair and transparent electoral process," Munde said in a tweet.The NCP leader also tweeted a letter in Marathi that he wrote to the election officer of Beed, Parali constituency returning officer and Collector of Beed district.Assembly polls in Haryana and Maharashtra will take place on October 21 and counting will be on October 24. (ANI)
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