New Delhi [India], Mar 8 (ANI): Indian cricketer Harbhajan Singh on Sunday said he is not sure whether his bat is missing or has been stolen.On Saturday, Harbhajan complained about losing his bat while travelling from Mumbai to Coimbatore on an Indigo flight."As soon as we landed in Coimbatore, I saw that one bat was missing. I do not know about the whereabouts of my bat, I cannot say that it has been stolen," the spinner told ANI.The player said despite opting for extra baggage, the airline asked for extra money which the cricketer refused."But my kit bag was not opened after practice, we had opted for the 35kg extra baggage package. At the airport, the authorities told me that we are having extra baggage and they asked us for extra 1200 rupees, but my team did not pay the amount as we had already opted for extra baggage package," Harbhajan said. "The bat is missing, I don't know whether it is related to the baggage thing or not, the bat is my primary thing. I play with that in the IPL. I last used it during a practice session in Juhu. I have complained to the authorities as the bat is important. Indigo guys have told me that they would look into the matter, I hope they will do the needful," he added.Indigo Airlines replied to the cricketer, apologising for the inconvenience. "Sorry to know about this, Mr. Singh. Let us get this checked immediately and connect with you."The veteran off-spinner will take part in the upcoming edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) for the Chennai Super Kings. He was one of the retained players of the franchise.MS Dhoni has already reached Chennai and has begun practicing for the IPL. He is set to return to cricketing action for the first time since the semifinal of the 2019 World Cup. (ANI)
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