A day after 'Brown Munde' fame AP Dhillon hit the stage in Mumbai, police registered an FIR against the concert's organisers for alleged violation of COVID-19 norms. The concert was held at Grand Hyatt's The Black Boxx on Sunday. Many celebrities including Sara Ali Khan, her brother Ibrahim Ali Khan, and Janhvi Kapoor among several others had attended the crowded gig. AP Dhillon’s Music Concert on Sunday Lands in Trouble With Mumbai Police; FIR Registered Against Organisers for Alleged Violation of COVID-19 Norms.
Former Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar's daughter Sara Tendulkar and actor Jaaved Jaaferi's daughter Alaviaa Jaaferi were also spotted at the music show.
Due to the rise in Omicron cases, large gatherings are currently banned in the city. However, thousands were found partying without masks and following any social distancing at the Canadian singer's live concert.
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