Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Feb 8 (ANI): Police have registered a complaint against approximately 300 women, who are holding a protest against the amended Citizenship Act, said the Mumbai Police PRO Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Pranay Ashok here on Saturday."Under Nagpada Police Station, a protest has been going on since January 2 on the Morland Road. On February 7, we received a complaint against close to 300 women protesters, along with the organisers from the BMC, Assistant Municipal Commissioner," Ashok told ANI here.He further said that the BMC, Assistant Municipal Commissioner, in his complaint has cited that the ongoing protests are causing a delay in the development works being carried out in the area."The complaint against them has been filed citing that the protest is leading to obstruction in the road concretisation work in the area. It also added that the protesters have installed seats and chairs on a public road," Ashok said. The Mumbai Police PRO further said that an investigation has been launched and the necessary steps will be taken in the coming days after the investigation process is over.Protests erupted in different parts of the country last year including the national capital over the CAA which grants citizenship to Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Parsi, Buddhist, and Christian refugees from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh who came to India on or before December 31, 2014. (ANI)

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