Mumbai, April 13: Over 25,000 two-wheeler riders were penalised in Mumbai amid lockdown between March 23 and April 10 for not wearing helmets, a senior traffic police official said on Monday. Another 6,821 people were penalised for disobedience to official orders under the Motor Vehicles Act, Mumbai Traffic Police Joint Commissioner Madhukar Pandey said.

"We have booked 25,420 people for riding two-wheelers without wearing helmets. A total of 3,913 people have been penalised for failing to produce valid driving licence and another 2,737 for riding without licence," Pandey said. Cuttack Woman Biker Caught Riding Without Helmet, Says 'Won't Pay Fine, My Family's Loss if I Die' (Watch Video).

He said the traffic police action took place between March 23 and April 10 amid the lockdown in force in the wake of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

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