Mumbai, January 15: A 43-year-old auto driver was arrested here on Wednesday for allegedly raping a woman for the past four years and molesting her two daughters under the pretext of performing black magic, an official said. According to the Aarey police official, accused Rajaram Ramkumar Yadav had been sexually abusing the woman saying he could cure her health problems and that of her husband through occult practices. Mumbai Horror: Woman Sells Infant Baby for INR 1 Lakh To Fund Husband’s Bail, 9 Arrested for Human Trafficking.
He had also threatened the woman to kill her entire family if she resisted, the official said. The woman approached the police after her problems remained unresolved and Yadav started molesting her two minor daughters pretending to involve them in some rituals, he said. Yadav has been booked under the Prevention of Human Sacrifice and Other Inhuman, Inhumane and Aghori Practices and the stringent Protection of Children from Sexual Offence (POCSO) Act (POCSO), the official added.
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