Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) [India], Dec 22 (ANI): National Security Act (NSA) has been slapped against 40 people while as many as 106 FIRs have been registered in cases pertaining to adulteration of milk and milk products in Madhya Pradesh in the last 4 months."The 'Suddh ke liye Yudh' campaign under the aegis of Chief Minister Kamal Nath is against those who adulterate milk and milk products in the state. The fight against the adulterated products is on a large scale and those who are involved in such crime would not be spared," said Tulsi Silawat, Madhya Pradesh Minister."In the last 4 months, NSA is slapped on 40 persons while 106 FIRs have been registered against those who adulterate milk and its products. The mission is to make the adulterators leave Madhya Pradesh," he said.The "Suddh Ke liye Yudh" is a war against adulteration in Madhya Pradesh wherein the administration is taking action against those who adulterate milk and its products (ANI)
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