Alirajpur (Madhya Pradesh) [India], Aug 12 (ANI): The Madhya Pradesh Police on Sunday suspended four of its personnel for allegedly thrashing five tribals, including a minor in Alirajpur district."A departmental probe is being initiated. Four police personnel, including Nanpur police station incharge, have been suspended," Superintendent of Police (SP) Vipul Srivastava said. According to relatives, an altercation ensued between the police personnel and five persons while they were returning from attending Adivasi Diwas at Nanpur Phata Dam, following which the latter were allegedly brought to the police station and thrashed.They further alleged that the police officers, who beat them, were in an inebriated state and also forced them to consume urine.Following this, people gathered outside the Nanpur police station to protest against the same. (ANI)
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