Patna (Bihar) [India], Oct 22 (ANI): Condemning the statement of Congress leader Akhilesh Singh over Indian Army's action on terror camps in PoK, MoS Home Nityanand Rai on Monday said that the matter is related to national security and there is no place for party politics."Army killed two dozens of terrorists. They should be patting backs of Army soldiers. Those who are questioning this are showcasing their conduct and opinion. His statement is totally wrong. This is a matter of the whole country and there is no place of any party politics," he told reporters here."When Army was attacked from Pakistan, shall they have waited? The country is working under the leadership of Narendra Modi. Terrorists know what treatment they will get if they try to infiltrate into India. If they are able to infiltrate then they will not be left alive," Rai added.The minister's comment came in response of Akhilesh Singh who said that under the Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government, a "surgical strike" always happens just before the elections."Under Modi ji's government, whenever there's an election in a big state, a pattern of surgical strike is formed. Now, politics will be done on surgical strike to divert attention from real issues," the Congress leader had said.On Sunday, at least 6 to 10 Pakistani soldiers were killed and three terror camps were destroyed by the Indian Army, in a counter-attack after terrorists attempted to infiltrate into Indian territory through Tangdhar along the Line of Control (LoC)."On the basis of reports that we have been getting, 6 to 10 Pakistani soldiers have been killed, three terrorist camps have been destroyed. A similar number of terrorists have also been killed," Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat had said.Two Indian soldiers and a civilian were killed in the unprovoked ceasefire violation in Tangdhar sector of Kupwara in Jammu and Kashmir on the intervening night of October 19-20.Four terror launch pads in Neelam valley of PoK were targeted and fatalities have been reported, sources said. (ANI)
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