Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], Sept 30 (ANI): Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) MP TKS Elangovan on Monday lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi for calling Tamil an ancient language and said he should convince his government of the same."Sometimes Modi speaks the truth. This is one of those times. However, what he says is not understood by Union Home Minister Amit Shah. Modi should convince his Cabinet and government that Tamil is a classical language and that it should not be troubled," Elangovan told ANI.The DMK leader also accused Shah of walking a different line than the Prime Minister.He said that even when the Prime Minister is praising the Tamil language, Amit Shah talks differently.Earlier today, Modi arrived in Chennai and asserted that he has learned about the diversity of the 'ancient' Tamil language which he said was resonating across the United States."When I was staying in America, I spoke in Tamil language once and told everyone that this is one of the ancient languages. Even today, Tamil language echoes in entire America. During my visit to America, I realized that the entire world has a lot of expectation from India," Modi had said addressing a gathering.This comes after a controversy had sparked after Home Minister Amit Shah's statement where he had said that Hindi can unify India. Shah had later clarified that he never talked about the imposition of Hindi anywhere in the country but had advocated for the use of Hindi as a second language instead. (ANI)

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