New Delhi [India], Nov 24 (ANI): Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday said that the Modi government is leaving no stone unturned to improve the standards of living of the people."The 50th Governors' conference concluded today. The main focus of this conference was on tribal welfare and issues related to water, education & agriculture. Modi government is leaving no stone unturned to improve the standards of living of the people," he tweeted.Issues related to tribal welfare, water, agriculture, higher education and ease of living figured prominently in discussions during two-day the Conference of Governors organised at Rashtrapati Bhawan chaired by President Ram Nath Kovind.Along with the Union Home Minister, Vice President Venkaih Naidu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi also addressed the concluding session"Five groups of Governors submitted their reports on these issues, and deliberated and identified actionable points in which Governors can play a facilitating role," an official release said.The conference took a keen interest in tribal welfare issue and pointed out that policies for tribal upliftment had to be tailored in accordance with local requirements, it said. The President said that it is the fundamental duty of every citizen to protect the natural environment including water resources like forest, lake and river.In his closing remarks, President Kovind said that the discussions held by Governors and Lt. Governors proved to be a fruitful exercise.The President said that campaign will be launched to create awareness about fundamental duties among the citizens on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of our constitution on November 26.He expressed hope that all Raj Bhavans will celebrate Constitution Day in an effective manner and Governors will play a major role in creating awareness about fundamental duties among the people. (ANI)
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