New Delhi, May 16 (PTI) A nine-year-old girl was raped allegedly by her neighbour in northwest Delhi's Swaroop Nagar, following which the accused was arrested, police said today.

The incident was reported yesterday to the police. The girl, who does not talk much, had gone to play outside but did not return home, they said.

Her family started looking for her and later two men brought her home. The girl's clothes were wet and when her mother changed her clothes, she saw that she was bleeding from her private parts, police said.

The girl informed her ordeal with the help of gestures. During investigation, police learnt that a neighbour was missing. He was later arrested, they said.

He had taken the girl to an isolated spot and allegedly raped her. Later, he had threatened her of dire consequences.

The girl is currently undergoing treatment and is also being counselled.

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