Meerut (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Oct 4 (ANI): Acting on a specific tip-off, a joint team of Delhi Police and Crime Branch nabbed three wanted criminals after a shootout here."Special cell of Delhi Police had the information that three criminals were active in the Meerut area. The Joint team of Crime Branch and Special Cell tried to stop a car in which the three were present. The miscreants opened fire on the police force and in the defensive firing by police all the three were injured and finally captured," Superintendent of Police (SP) City, Akhilesh Narayan Singh said here on Thursday. According to Singh, the accused- Saddam, Dilip and Usman - are quite notorious and have been involved in many serious crimes in the past."The three criminals have several dozen serious cases registered against them in the Pratapur police station and many other police stations," he said."Upon interrogation, the criminals revealed that there were more than a dozen cases against Saddam alone and he was also an accused under MCOCA in New Delhi. He was also a sharp-shooter of a known gangster," he added.Police recovered the car, a pistol and two country-made revolvers alongwith live rounds of ammunition in huge quantity from the accused.Singh added that after the three are discharged from the hospital they will be taken into custody for further investigation and questioning. (ANI)

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