Man Arrested for Harassing Minor Girl in Mumbai
A 36-year-old man was on Tuesday was arrested for allegedly sexually harassing an 11-year-old girl in Wadala.
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Dec 31 (ANI): A 36-year-old man was on Tuesday was arrested for allegedly sexually harassing an 11-year-old girl in Wadala."An electrician named Sunil Chandrokar (36) was arrested for sexually harassing an 11-year-old girl under the Wadala police station limits," Inspector Jitendra Bhobe said."The victim and the accused are neighbours. The victim's family members had called the accused to their home for some time while they had gone for shopping. In this time, seeing that the girl was alone in the home, the accused verbally abused her and showed her a porn video. The girl later told this to her family members after which the accused was thrashed and handed over to the police," he added.A case has been registered under Section 354 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. (ANI)
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