Kolkata (West Bengal) [India], Jan 13 (ANI): West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday slammed state BJP president Dilip Ghosh and said that he made "shameful" remarks and accused him of promoting violence."It is shameful. How can you say this? It is a shame to even take his name. You are promoting firing. This is not Uttar Pradesh. Here firing won't happen. Understand that if tomorrow something untoward happens,you will be equally responsible. You want to kill people for protesting?" Banerjee said.Ghosh had on Sunday sparked controversy by threatening to shoot down those who damaged public property in the state. "Uttar Pradesh government had not only booked such people but also lathi-charged and shot them. Similarly, we will also shoot, lathi-charge and book whoever destroys public property in the state," Ghosh said addressing a public gathering in Nadia.Talking about CAA protests, Banerjee said, "If there could be more than 43 universities in my state, then there are thousands of universities across the country. It's not one college or one university fighting this battle, all are. All students are protesting. From Bihar to Lucknow, to Karnataka everywhere students are protesting."She added, "For publicity, few are setting buses ablaze... That can't be called a movement. These days I am noticing couple of people are coming with black flags , hurling abuses, resorting to vandalism...This is nothing but cheap publicity. Those who encourage this, they are equally wrong."Talking about the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act, Banerjee said, "Show me one party nationally that has taken this fight since day one. TMC has taken it up during standing committee meeting. We have always protested this. BJP is doing the identity politics and there are others who are resorting to 'bandh' politics.""Don't think we are weak. We have a strong will. Where there is a will, all battles can be won. If you think you will dare me, have an understanding with BJP and try to silence me then you are wrong," Banerjee said.Referring to Left parties, Banerjee said, "You have such a big party office in Delhi. How many protest rallies have you done in Delhi? You have no guts. You have no existence. All through the day are abusing me. They are so irresponsible. There is no difference between Left and BJP."She further stated that Congress and Left have lost their ideologies. "I appeal to all opposition parties, wherever you are strong please go and fight for the people there," she added. (ANI)
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