Actor-host Malaika Arora on Tuesday received her second jab of the coronavirus vaccine. Taking to Instagram, Arora shared pictures of herself from a vaccine centre and thanked the frontline workers for their relentless hard work. "Like I always say #WeAreInThisTogether. I am going to be safe not just for myself but for you as well. Fully vaccinated," the 47-year-old actor, who took the first dose of the vaccine in April, wrote. Rahul Bose Takes His Second Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine (Watch Video).
"No words can express the gratitude I have for every single frontline warrior out there. Thank you all for being so amazing," she added. The 47-year-old had tested positive for COVID-19 last year. The central government launched the nationwide drive in March this year to vaccinate everyone above 60 years of age and those aged between 45 and 59 with co-morbidities. Varun Dhawan Gets the First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine, Urges Fans to Take the Jab.
Malaika Arora Gets 2nd Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine
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From May 1, the central and state governments started vaccinating people aged between 18 and 44. On Monday, Maharashtra reported 6,727 fresh coronavirus positive cases and 101 fatalities, taking the tally of infections to 60,43,548 and the toll to 1,21,573.
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