Amravati, April 15: A Remote tribal village in Amravati's Bulumgavhan in Maharashtra got electrified after 70 years of independence. The initiative has been taken under the Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana - 'Saubhagya'.

According to reports, around 105 homes have received electricity in the village. One of the villagers said, "It was difficult when there was no electricity, our children could not study after it turned dark. We are very happy now."

Prime Minister Narendra Modi expresses rejoice after government succeeds to connect the remote village with electricity. Here's what he tweeted:

The village sets an ideal example of collective efforts of the Government administration and villagers. With the population of just over 500, nearest town from the village is at the distance of 112 Km.

Rural Development Fellows Scheme under the Government played a key role in the development. The villagers looked rejoiced and filled with enthusiasm with the development.