Pune (Maharashtra) [India], Aug 8 (ANI): All trains services on Pune - Miraj section have been suspended with effect from Wednesday night, Central Railway officials said. The decision was taken after the water level exceeds danger level at the bridge near Bhilavadi railway station.At least 16 people have lost their lives due to the prevailing flood situation in Pune, including districts of Satara, Sangli, Solapur and Kolhapur.As per an official statement by Divisional Commissioner of Pune Division, Deepak Mhaisekar, "Four people died in Pune, seven in Satara, two in Sangli, two in Kolhapur and one in Solapur."The statement said that a total of 1,32,360 people from 28,397 families have been evacuated from these districts. (ANI)

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