Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Nov 2 (ANI): A four-year-old boy was on Friday reunited with his parents with the help of the staff of Railway Protection Force (RPF), Dadar in Mumbai. On November 1, SIPF Vineet Kumar Singh was taking a round on platform number six when he found the minor boy alone and then brought him to RPF office Dadar. "Friendly talks by SIPF Vineet Kumar Singh, he only disclosed his name Rudra. No further information was given by him. SIPF Vineet Singh immediately contacted to Dadar announcer and announced his name. By this announcement, his parent came in RPF Dadar office. His father Nitin Nanubhai Badgujar stated that they are walking on Dadar platform number four to catch the Intercity Express," read a statement.The parents were in a hurry and hence they missed the child. On hearing the announcement, they came at Dadar.After doing all formalities the child was handed over to his parents. (ANI)

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