Kalyan (Maharashtra) [India], July 2 (ANI): Three people, including a three-year-old boy, died while one sustained injuries after a compound wall of the National Urdu School collapsed in Kalyan in the intervening night of Monday-Tuesday following heavy rainfall.The wall collapsed and fell at around midnight on two chawls adjoining the school."At 12:30 am, a back side wall of National Urdu English School collapsed on adjoining 'tabela' in which three people died and one sustained injuries. They have been brought to Rukmani hospital," Assistant Commissioner of Police, Kalyan, Anil Pawar said. Three people killed identified as Sobha Kacharu (60) Kareena Mohammad Chand (25), Hussain Mohammad Chand (3). The injured identified as Aarti Kardili (16) is undergoing treatment at a hospital.Mumbai has been witnessing heavy downpour for the past few days. 13 people died after the compound wall of a building collapsed on hutments built on a hill slope in Kurar Village in the early hours of Tuesday due to heavy downpour.According to the weather department, the city is predicted to see more heavy downpour showers throughout the week. (ANI)
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