Mahakumbh Nagar, December 12: Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Prayagraj visit on December 13, Uttar Pradesh's Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday reviewed the preparations for Maha Kumbh Mela here. In line with the CM's vision, special arrangements are also being made to enhance the safety and comfort of female devotees during the grand event, an official statement issued here said.
Organised every 12 years, the Maha Kumbh will be held from January 13 to February 26 in UP's in Prayagraj. Over 40 crore people are expected to attend the mela, making it a record-breaking event. PM Modi will visit Prayagraj on Friday to review the preparations for the 2025 Maha Kumbh and inaugurate various projects here. During his visit, Adityanath issued directions to officials to keep an eye on all the aspects of the Maha Kumbh and ensure that there is no laxity in any sector, it said. Mahakumbh Mela 2025: UP Govt Unveils Ambitious Digitisation Plan for Upcoming Festival; Here’s How Yogi’s Task Force Will Shield Devotees From AI, Dark Web and Social Media Scammers.
Arrangements are being made at the Sangam for seamless rituals and worship for the grand celebration. Mahakumbh Nagar Sub Divisional Magistrate Abhinav Pathak said 12 special units are being set up to cater to women pilgrims at the Sangam. Each unit will be 25 meters long and 6 meters wide, equipped with changing rooms to ensure convenience after rituals and bathing, he said. Mahakumbh Mela 2025: Uttar Pradesh Government To Conduct World’s Largest Headcount of Devotees Using AI-Powered Cameras.
Old and dilapidated boats are being removed from the Sangam area, replaced with newly constructed floating jetties. These jetties are being adorned with vibrant flowers to add an aesthetic charm, he said. To save devotees from facing any difficulties, Brahmins, priests, and pandas will be present at the venue to guide and assist in performing rituals.