New Delhi [India], Oct 12 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi will kick off his campaign on Sunday in poll-bound Maharashtra with rallies in Jalgaon and Sakloli."Will be campaigning in Maharashtra tomorrow. Looking forward to addressing rallies in Jalgaon and Sakoli," the Prime Minister tweeted on Saturday. He said that the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) is going to the people on the basis of stellar work of the BJP government led by the youthful and visionary Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis. Prime Minister asserted that BJP seeks five more years to serve the state.On Friday, Union Minister Smriti Irani had informed that Prime Minister Modi will be campaigning in Maharashtra from October 13 to October 18 to guide and encourage candidates of BJP.Giving details of the Prime Minister's visit, she had said that on October 13, he will conduct election rally in Jalgaon and Sakoli.While on October 16, he is scheduled to attend three programmes at Akola, Panvel and Partur. The Prime Minister will conduct public rallies in Pune Satara and Worli on October 17.He will visit Mumbai on October 18, the Union Minister had said, adding that the BJP Maharashtra unit is thrilled to know that the Prime Minister is arriving here to guide them.The single-phase Assembly polls in Maharashtra will be held on October 21 and results will be announced on October 24. (ANI)

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