Puducherry [India], Feb 21 (ANI): Puducherry Chief Minister V Narayanasamy on Friday expressed disappointment over the Madras High Court dismissing a writ petition filed by him against a decision of Lt Governor Kiran Bedi and the Centre."We hoped that the court would solve our problem but after today's verdict, we have lost even that. Now, how will our government deliver? What will we do now? We have witnessed a setback," Narayanasamy said at the digital membership launch event of the Congress in Puducherry."We wanted to deliver but could not. There were several hurdles. The Union government never cooperated with us. Also, Lieutenant Governor Kiran Bedi has always put a stop to all the welfare activities," he added.Earlier today, Madras HC on Friday dismissed a writ petition filed by Puducherry Chief Minister V Narayanasamy against a decision of Lt Governor Kiran Bedi and the Centre.Narayanasamy had approached the court following the decision to disburse cash instead of free rice to ration cardholders in the Union Territory.Dismissing the writ petition, Justice CV Karthikeyan said: "The President had concurred with Lt Governor and she is bound to implement his decision. The CM must know it."Following the decision, Bedi had thanked the Madras High Court for upholding the decision."We thank the Honourable High Court of Madras, Justice CV Karthikeyan for upholding the directions of GOI, MHA to Puducherry Administration to transfer money directly into bank accounts for free rice and not the way it was earlier. Which was procuring, storing, testing, distributing and checking pilferage," Bedi's tweet on Friday read. (ANI)
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