Raipur (Chhattisgarh) [India], Jan 20 (ANI): Specially-abled boy Madda Ram, who impressed cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar with his dedication and love for the game, aspires to become a doctor."I like to play cricket. I am in seventh class and want to become a doctor," Ram, a native of Dantewada, told ANI.Tendulkar, on December 31, had shared the video of Ram playing cricket with his friends. Ram cannot walk due to a disability and was seen crawling to take a single in the video that Tendulkar shared. The former cricketer captioned the video as: "Start your 2020 with the inspirational video of this kid Madda Ram playing cricket with his friends. It warmed my heart and I am sure it will warm yours too."Tendulkar also wrote a letter to Ram saying: "It felt good looking at the way you are enjoying this game. This offering is for you and your friends. Keep playing."Ram got a bat and a ball from Tendulkar as well. Ram's coach Sharadh Kumar thanked Tendulkar for his heart-warming gesture."I would like to thank Tendulkar as he posted Ram's video on the occasion of New Year," he said. (ANI)
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