New Delhi Jun 21 (PTI) The WTO on Wednesday said its chief Okonjo-Iweala has announced the establishment of two advisory groups to strengthen her engagement with businesses and civil society.
They will provide an informal platform for the exchange of views and discussions with key stakeholders, it said.
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One advisory group comprises leaders from the business community, and the other brings together prominent civil society representatives.
The primary purpose of the business and civil society advisory groups is to allow business and civil society to share their perspectives and insights on relevant international trade issues with the Director-General.
She will chair both groups, and it is expected that these groups will meet several times a year, the WTO said in a statement.
CUTS Secretary General Pradeep S Mehta has been appointed to the civil society advisory body.
"I look forward to assisting WTO Director General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala in reinforcing the multilateral agenda of the WTO and ensure that the developing countries, and LDCs in particular, are able to gain advantage of their membership to create more wealth and reduce poverty in the world," Mehta said in a separate statement.
The first meeting of the Civil Society Advisory Group was held today (21 June). The Business Advisory Group will meet on 4 July.
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