Faridabad, December 3: Police on Wednesday arrested a woman and her lover for allegedly killing her husband in a slum area at SGM Nagar in Faridabad, police said. The arrested duo has been identified as Rekha, the wife of Vijay Kumar, the deceased, and her paramour Mohammad Abdullah, a native of Bulandshahr district in Uttar Pradesh, they added.

During interrogation, Abdullah, who worked as a delivery boy at a shop for about four years, revealed that he became friends with Rekha around eight months ago. A few days back, Rekha complained to Abdulla that Vijay assaulted her after which the duo hatched a plan to eliminate him, police said. Gurugram: Police Arrest 3 for Killing Youth Over Long-Standing Feud in Haryana’s Khedla Village.

As per the plan, Abdullah allegedly killed Vijay by pressing his face against a pillow in the wee hours of Sunday 1, a senior police officer said. According to the complaint filed by Balbir, the deceased's brother, Vijay worked at the Sulabh Shauchalaya near the Chimani Bai Chowk in Faridabad and was living with his wife and three daughters at a slum located nearby. The accused were absconding after the murder before they were nabbed on Wednesday, police said.

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