Shahjahanpur, January 7: A man allegedly killed his 15-year-old daughter with a sharp weapon over her love affair, police here said on Tuesday. Additional Superintendent of Police (Rural) Manoj Kumar Awasthi said the incident occurred in Garhi village. Bhupendra Singh was opposed to his daughter Sunaina's relationship with a young man. "Despite repeated warnings, Sunaina refused to comply," he said. UP Shocker: 3-Year-Old Girl Raped at Aanganwadi in Basti; 3 Boys Aged 6 to 7 Years Booked.

"The girl's mother told police that a heated argument ensued between the father and daughter on Tuesday morning. During the argument, Sunaina reportedly said, 'I will do whatever I want'," the officer said. Enraged by this, Bhupendra attacked her with a sharp weapon, slashing her throat, Awasthi added. The police were informed later in the day and they found Sunaina's blood-soaked body in the courtyard of her house. The body has been sent for post-mortem, he said. Agra Shocker: Man Drinks Mosquito Repellent After Breakup With Girlfriend, UP Police Save Him After He Streams Suicide Attempt on Instagram Live.

A report is being filed by the deceased's uncle, Harveer Singh, and police teams have been formed to locate and arrest the absconding accused, Awasthi added.

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