Chennai, Sep 15 (PTI) The Tamil Nadu government on Sunday said 30 pilgrims hailing from the state who were stranded in Uttarakhand's Tawaghat due to a landslide have been rescued and would return soon.

Chief Minister M K Stalin spoke to the stranded persons, all hailing from the state's Cuddalore district and assured them all steps for their safe return, an official release here said.

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They were proceeding to Adi Kailash.

The Cuddalore district administration coordinated with officials in Pithorgarh in Uttarakhand and the latter assured them that the stranded Tamils were safe, provided with food and water and lodged in a camp there, it said.

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The pilgrims were air-lifted on Sunday and being moved to Darchula. They would put up there for a day or two and then proceed to New Delhi before flying down to Tamil Nadu, the release added.

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