Ghaziabad, December 8: A six-month-old foetus, stuck in a toilet pipe of a house, was recovered on Sunday in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad, police said. The foetus was taken out after breaking the pipe by the owner of the house Devendra alias Deva, they said.

Upon receiving information Indirapuram police reached the spot and interrogated the landlord, who told them that in the morning the pipe was cut due to water stagnation, following which they found the foetus stuck in the pipe. Car Stunt in Ghaziabad Video: SUV Driver Takes Vehicle on Footpath Indirapuram’s NH 9 Service Road, Police Reponds.

He also also told the police that nine tenants are living in his house. All of them have been interrogated and after completing the legal action the foetus has been preserved, the police added. Ghaziabad Shocker: 3-Year-Old Child Crushed To Death By Van While Playing Outside House in UP, Disturbing Video Surfaces.

The DNA of the tenants will be matched with DNA of the embryo to ascertain who committed the crime, Indirapuram Assistant Commissioner of Police Swatantra Kumar Singh told PTI.

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