Latest News | Govt Released Rs 122.50 Cr to over 1,700 Agri-startups in Last 5 Years: MoS Agri
Get latest articles and stories on Latest News at LatestLY. The government has released Rs 122.50 crore to over 1,700 agri-startups in last five years under the Innovation and AgriEntrepreneurship Development programme, Parliament was informed on Tuesday.
New Delhi, Dec 10 (PTI) The government has released Rs 122.50 crore to over 1,700 agri-startups in last five years under the Innovation and AgriEntrepreneurship Development programme, Parliament was informed on Tuesday.
The programme, implemented in 2018-19 under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), aims to promote innovation and agri-entrepreneurship, by providing financial and technical support for nurturing startups.
Minister of State for Agriculture Bhagirath Choudhary, in his written reply to the Lok Sabha, said a financial assistance of Rs 122.50 crore has been released to 1,708 agri startups from 2019-20 to 2023-24.
The funds were released through five Knowledge Partners (KPs) and 24 RKVY Agribusiness Incubators (R-ABIs) that provide training and incubate startups for implementation of this programme.
During 2023-24, about Rs 147.25 crore was released to 532 startups.
Under the programme, financial support of up to Rs 5 lakh is provided at the idea/pre-seed stage and up to Rs 25 lakh at the seed stage to entrepreneurs/ startups in agriculture and allied sector to launch their products, services, business platforms, etc and to facilitate in scaling up.
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