Srinagar, December 17: The Jammu and Kashmir Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Tuesday arrested an official of the Fire and Emergency Service Department in the Baramulla district after he was allegedly caught red-handed demanding and accepting bribe. A spokesman of the anti-corruption agency said it received a complaint against Nisar Ahmad Wani, working as a clerk in Fire and Emergency Service Department and posted at Sopore in the north Kashmir district.
The complainant alleged that the official demanded a bribe of Rs 5000 from him for the issuance of a no objection certificate (NOC) required for opening of a timber sale depot at Baramulla. Jammu and Kashmir: Massive Forest Fire Breaks Out in Doda's Chenab Valley (Watch Video).
The spokesman said a discreet verification was conducted by the ACB that allegedly revealed commission of the offence punishable under Section 7 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (as amended in 2018) on the part of Wani.
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