Jaipur, Sep 20 (PTI) A team of Anti-Corruption Bureau on Friday held the assistant commissioner of Bharatpur Devasthan department while he was allegedly in possession of Rs 3.60 lakh illegally collected from some offices under him, officials said.
Assistant Commissioner Krishna Kumar Khandelwal was caught during a surprise inspection at Ludhawai toll plaza by Bharatpur's ACB, they said.
In a statement, ACB Director General Ravi Prakash Mehrada said that they received a complaint that Khandelwal, who was suspected to be illegally collecting money from his subordinate offices, was about to come Jaipur from Bharatpur.
On verification of the complaint, the team conducted a surprise checking at Ludhawai toll plaza on Friday and caught him with Rs 3.60 lakh, he said.
When the officer was asked about the amount, he did not give any satisfactory answer, after which the ACB team seized the amount, Meharda said, adding that interrogation against the accused is going on.
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