Mainpuri (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Dec 1 (ANI): The Superintendent of Police on Saturday said that the last rites of the school-girl, who was found dead inside her hostel in September, were performed by her family members."A panel of three doctors conducted the post-mortem examination of the girl and the cause of death was found to be Asphyxia due to Antemortem hanging," said the Superintendent of the Police (SP).He said that after post-mortem examination, the body was handed over to the family, who took it to Farrukhabad for performing last rites."The last rites were performed by the family members only. It's untrue that the post-mortem examination was done by the administration," added the police official.His statement came after Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra in a letter to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that the last rites of the girl were performed by the administration illegally in the absence of her parents.Priyanka in her letter asked Adityanath to order an inquiry into the murder of the schoolgirl. She stated that the incident was heart-wrenching and it assumes importance in the context of the lack of security of girls studying in various institutions in the state.She also stated the family of the victim has urged the Uttar Pradesh government to take stringent action against those, who are guilty."They have every right to know what happened with their daughter and who all were involved. Is the administration trying to shield someone," she said in the letter dated November 28.In a case reported on September 16, the victim, a student of Class XI, committed suicide in the hostel and left a note claiming that she was being harassed by fellow hostel mates.The father of the girl had lodged a complaint against the principal, hostel warden and a boy after which the police registered a case of murder and rape under the POCSO Act.Police in their preliminary investigation found that three years ago a student accused her of stealing snacks. After which, at the behest of the hostel warden, about 48 students slapped her one by one in order to teach her a lesson. (ANI)
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