Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Dec 12 (ANI): After smashing 70 runs off just 29 balls against West Indies in the series decider, skipper Virat Kohli termed his match-winning knock a 'special gift' for wife Anushka Sharma."It was a pretty special inning, also being our second year wedding anniversary today. It's a special gift for my wife," Kohli said at the post-match ceremony."Yaa it was a special night and one of the best innings I have played in T20 and batting first we won so I feel pretty good," he added.India defeated West Indies by 67 runs in the third and final T20I of the three-match series on Wednesday.Kohli batted in an aggressive manner throughout and as a result, he brought up his half-century in just 21 balls.The skipper also became the first Indian batsman to score 1,000 T20I runs on home soil.Both the sides will next lock horns in the first ODI of the three-match series on Sunday, December 15. (ANI)

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