New Delhi [India], Mar 30 (ANI): Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday slammed the Centre for its tax collection policy."Delhi people give income tax of Rs 1.5 Lakh crore but the central government spends only Rs 325 crore on Delhi. You collect income tax from Delhi and spend it on other states. We have done many developments works with this amount. Imagine if Centre gave us Rs 50,000 crore, ten new Singapore would be built here," the Chief Minister said addressing an election rally in Madanpur Khadar area."For 70 years, they are looting us. They say Delhi is a half state. Englishmen also used to loot India's money and take it with them to London, now the central government loot all your money and take it to the Centre. Shouldn't our money be spent on ourselves?" he added.Repeating his demand for full statehood to Delhi, AAP chief said, "We want to build schools, hospitals, Mohalla clinics etc But Modi government is not letting us do that. For last year, our leaders have to do a hunger strike for one week to clear the files related to CCTV camera installation in Delhi.""People elected us. But we have to take permission from the central government in every issue. This situation is not there in the other states and their governments do not need Centre's permission," Kejriwal said.AAP has already announced its candidates for seven parliamentary seats in Delhi. (ANI)
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