Bengaluru, January 8: A tuition teacher was arrested after eloping with his minor student in Mandya two months ago, police said on Wednesday. Based on a complaint filed by the girl's parents, a case of kidnapping was registered against Abhishek Gowda in Mandya. Police sources revealed that the accused is married and has a two-year-old child.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (South Division) Lokesh B J said that on November 23, the minor girl was kidnapped, and a case was registered at the JP Nagar police station. Karnataka Shocker: Man Surrenders After Killing Wife With Axe Over Her Refusal To Have Sex in Sedam, Probe Launched.

"The girl was rescued on January 5 from Malavalli Taluk in Mandya district. She had been kidnapped by her tuition teacher, whom she visited daily for classes," police said. The accused, a 25-year-old man, has been arrested and allegedly charged with kidnapping and rape.