New Delhi (India), Dec 29 (ANI): With the New Year just around the corner, celebrity sisters Kareena Kapoor and Karisma Kapoor are currently holidaying in the picturesque valleys of Switzerland.Karisma took to Instagram on Saturday to share pictures with her sister from the vacation in Switzerland."While we posed..#swissalps #sistersledge #holidays," Kapoor captioned her picture with actor and her sister Kareena Kapoor.In another picture, the duo was seen posing with actor Varun Dhawan. Karisma revealed through her caption that the Kapoor family bumped into Varun Dhawan during the holiday season."See who we met! @varundvn #holidayseason #snowydays," the actor captioned the post.Earlier on Friday, the actor had posted pictures with Kareena and her husband Saif Ali Khan and their kid Taimur Ali Khan in the mountains. (ANI)

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