New Delhi [India], Mar 17 (ANI): Documenting her husband and actor Saif Ali Khan's love for reading, superstar Kareena Kapoor Khan on Monday shared a picture from the personal library of the star couple.The 39-year-old actor shared two pictures - one of Saif reading a book and the other one of herself Instagramming.In the picture, Saif could be seen wearing a comfy white kurta-pajama while Kareena is seen slaying a no make-up look wearing a plain black top and loose hair.Saif's picture had a picture of the couple's son Taimur Ali Khan in the background."Looks like he is 'booked' for the week... While I Instagram," Khan captioned the post.This marks twelfth post on her newly launched Instagram profile.The 'Jab We Met' actor made her Instagram debut on March 6.The number of followers on Bebo's profile shot up to over 1.9 Million within a few days of her joining the medium.Kareena will next be seen on the big screen opposite megastar Aamir Khan in 'Laal Singh Chaddha' which is an adaptation of Hollywood classic 'Forrest Gump'. (ANI)

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