Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut on Wednesday talked about her plea for passport renewal getting denied by the local passport authority in Mumbai on the ground that she had an FIR registered against her by the Bandra police on charges of sedition. The 'Queen' actor, took to her Koo account and shared a post talking about the incident. Kangana Ranaut Can’t Wait to Resume Dhaakad Shoot After Relaxations Granted for Filming.
Kangana wrote, "The Mahavinashkari government (referring to the Maharashtra government) has started my indirect harassment again, my request for passport renewal has been rejected because a roadside romeo called Munawar Ali Sayed filed a sedition case on me by the way the case was almost dismissed by the court yet court rejected my request for passport and the reason given is ' my request is vague'." When Kangana Ranaut and Her Panga Director Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari Accidentally Twinned While Meeting PM Narendra Modi.
In her Instagram stories, she further also stated how when actor Aamir Khan had offended the BJP government back in the day, his passport wasn't held back nor were his shoots stopped. "When Aamir Khan offended BJP government by calling India intolerant, no one held back his passport to stop his films or shoots, in no way he was stopped or harassed. But in my case, I am being harassed and due to my passport being held back I'm unable to travel anywhere."
On Monday, Kangana had moved the Bombay high court seeking directions to the regional passport authority for passport renewal, as her plea had been denied by the local passport authority due to an FIR against her on charges of sedition. The Bombay High Court on Tuesday reportedly refused the hearing of Ranaut's plea, calling the application vague.
As per reports, the court has allowed her to amend the application and posted the hearing in the matter for a later date. On the work front, Kangana's upcoming movie projects include 'Thalaivi', which is based on Tamil Nadu's former Chief Minister, Jayalalithaa. She also has 'Tejas' and 'Dhaakad' in her kitty. 'Manikarnika Returns: The Legend Of Didda' is also in pipeline.
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