New Delhi [India], Jan 13 (ANI): Yashaswini Saraswat, a JNU student who has secured the eighth rank in Indian Economic Service (IES) Examination 2019, on Monday met varsity's Vice-Chancellor M Jagadesh Kumar at his office in Delhi. Out of the 32 candidates, who have qualified in the exam, 18 belongs to the Jawaharlal Nehru Univerity (JNU)."We are all very happy. 18 JNU students cleared the exam this year. I feel fortunate and proud to have been a part of JNU and achieved this," Saraswat said.She continued, "It hurts when something bad is said about JNU but we should take it as a challenge to show that there's a good side to it too."The Indian Economic Service is the administrative inter-ministerial and inter-departmental civil service under Group A of the Central Civil Services of the executive branch of the Government of India. (ANI)
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