Ranchi, May 23 (PTI) Union Minister and sitting BJP MP Jayant Sinha is leading by 6,486 votes against his nearest Congress rival Gopal Prasad Sahu from Hazaribagh Lok Sabha seat as per initial trends, officials said.
BJP's sitting MP Vishnu Dayal Ram is leading by 9,450 votes against his nearest RJD rival Ghuran Ram in Palamau (SC) Lok Sabha constituency after the third round counting, they said.
In Khunti Lok Sabha seat Kali Charan Munda of the Congress is leading against his nearest BJP rival and former chief minister Arjun Munda by 1,113 votes.
BJP candidate Annapurna Devi is leading by 8,031 votes against her nearest JVM(P) candidate and former chief minister Babulal Marandi.
Bidyut Baran Mahato of the BJP is leading against his nearest JMM rival Champai Soren by 6,618 votes in the Jamshedpur Lok Sabha seat, officials said.
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