Ranchi (Jharkhand) [India], Oct 30 (ANI): Chief Minister Raghubar Das-led Jharkhand government will soon start a project to construct houses at affordable rates (G+3 category) under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana for people living in slums across the state."Jharkhand government is gifting 1.27 lakh houses to people belonging to the poor community under the state housing scheme," a statement from Das read.The total cost of construction per unit of house is estimated to be about Rs 7.5 lakh. To cover these expenses, Rs 1 lakh will be given by the Centre, while Rs 1 lakh will be pooled in by the state government. The builder will also contribute a share of 55 per cent, which will decrease per unit cost by about Rs 4 lakh. The beneficiary will be liable to pay the remaining Rs 1.5 lakh.On the same lines, the government will also provide houses to those who do not own a house in any part of the country. The prospective seekers will have have to produce a certificate issued by the revenue workers of their native state. The people must mandatorily have a voter card and a bank account.As per a statement, the cost of these houses is estimated at around Rs 7-8 lakh. Out of this amount, the beneficiary must shell out Rs 5-6 lakh, while the remaining will be paid jointly by the central and state government.According to a survey conducted by the Municipal Corporation, approximately 53,000 people are living in slums while there are 72,000 people without a home.In accordance with the scheme, the government will collaborate with banks offering loans at lower interest rates for the beneficiaries of the scheme. Furthermore, no mortgage will be required to avail these loans.The lock-in period of these houses will be 15 years. At the end of this period, the owner will be able to sell the house. (ANI)

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