New Delhi [India] Oct 1 (ANI): Workers of Bihar's ruling Janata Dal-United on Tuesday held a protest at Jantar Mantar against Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's remark that person from Bihar buys a ticket to Delhi for Rs 500 and returns after availing free treatment worth Rs 5 lakhs.The protesters led by senior JD-U leaders submitted a memorandum to Union Home Ministry demanding action against the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convenor for his anti-Bihari statement."Do residents of Bihar not have any right over the national capital of the country? People of Bihar and Poorvanchal have contributed to the development of Delhi. Kejriwal's comment has hurt the people of Bihar and it is an assault on their rights," JD-U Delhi unit chief Satya Prakash Mishra said."If a person sitting on a constitutional post makes this kind of comment then action should be taken against such person. JDU will continue its protest until the government of Delhi stops its mentality of regional bias," he said.In the context of the assembly elections in Delhi next year, Mishra said that the organization of JD-U in Delhi is getting stronger and Kejriwal is viewing this as an indication of defeat in the assembly polls. "Kejriwal has not worked for the people of Delhi and has not fulfilled his promises, so he is doing politics of regionalism. The people of Delhi will reject this politics of Kejriwal" he said.Meanwhile, many social organisations working for the cause of Bihari migrants in the National Capital Region too hit out at Kejriwal for his remarks."The politics of Bihari migrants as outsiders being played by Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal is very unfortunate, disgusting and a disservice to the nation as a whole", said eminent author Birbal Jha, who is also chairman of Mithilalok Foundation.Pointing out the constitutional provisions Jha said Delhi was not of any individual as the Constitution of India guarantees to all its citizens the rights to move freely throughout the territory of India and to reside and settle in any part of the country."CM Kejriwal should not forget that he too is not a native of Delhi if he talks about the origin of an individual in the NCT of Delhi. While the entire country is rejoicing and celebrating the pride of patriotism and nationalism with the nullification of Article 370 thereby integration of Jammu and Kashmir he is exuding a sense of regionalism which warrants all condemnation from all quarters. The politics of divide and rule must come to a permanent end." Jha said.Kejriwal while addressing an event recently had said, "The situation is such that a person from Bihar buys a ticket to Delhi for Rs 500 and returns after availing free treatment worth Rs 5 lakhs. It makes us happy as they are people of our own country, but Delhi has its own capacity." (ANI)

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